Public Advisory: Change of our contact number..
Green Dot wishes to advise all customers and the general public of a change to our telephone number. Effective October 1st 2016, persons wishing to contact our offices will be required to call: 224-G-DOT (224-4368). 224-G-DOT (224-4368). This has become necessary to better serve you our valued customers. On behalf Read the Rest…
Customer Advisory: New Prices Effective 1st February 2016
Green Dot Limited wishes to advise all our loyal customers, that effective 1st February 2016, the VAT Inclusive price of our products and services will reduce, as a result of the amendment to the VAT rate, as mentioned by the Minister of Finance in the 2016 Budget Presentation. Below are Read the Rest…
Look out for our Digital Services Specialists
One day of each week we carry out a road promotions where we go on the field with some of our Digital Services Specialists and allow them to give flyers and information on our products and services to members of the public. The photos attached are from our last visit Read the Rest…
Increase your customer traffic with Green Dot’s New WiFi Hotspot Service
Our new WiFi Hotspot service provides you with a WiFi Hotspot at your business location that allows your customers to connect to the Internet with their mobile phones, tablets and laptops free of charge. This service offers you an effective way of increasing customer traffic at your business location and Read the Rest…