HBO Saturday Night Premier: Gravity


Directed by Alfonso Cuaron and written by Alfonso Cuaron & Jonas Cuaron, Gravity follows Sandra Bulluck and George Clooney as they work together to survive after space debris from a destroyed satellite riddles and destroys their space shuttle.

Winner of 7 Academy Awards, including Best Director (Alfonso Cuaron)! Sandra Bullock is riveting in an Oscar(R)-nominated performance as an astronaut stranded in space.

HBO Premier Date: Saturday 12th July, 2014
Time: 8:00 pm
Run Time: 91 min
MPAA Rating: PG 13
IMDB Rating: 8.1 out of 10
Genre: Sci-Fi | Thriller

You’ll be able to catch this nail-biting thriller if you’ve already subscribed to the HBO Pack. If you don’t have it, sign up now and never miss another explosive HBO movie premier again.

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