Please enter your First Name:

Please enter your Last Name:

Please enter your E-mail address:

Please enter your Phone Number:

How long was your wait on hold before speaking with our customer service representative?

How well did you feel our customer service representative understood what you were saying?

 Extremely well Quite well Moderately well Slightly well Not at all well

How eager to help you were the customer service representatives at our company?

 Extremely eager Quite eager Moderately eager Slightly eager Not at all eager

Would you say that our customer service representative solved your problem or answered your question quickly, slowly, or neither?

 Extremely quick Quite quick Somewhat quick Neither quick or slow Somewhat slow Quite slow Extremely slow

How knowledgeable did our customer service representative seem to you?

 Extremely knowledgeable Quite knowledgeable Moderately knowledgeable Slightly knowledgeable Not at all knowledgeable

How clear was the information that our customer service representative provided to you?

 Extremely clear Quite clear Moderately clear Slightly clear Not at all clear

How many of your questions/problems did the customer service representative at our company resolve?

 All Most About half Some None

How helpful was our customer service representative?

 Extremely helpful Quite helpful Moderately helpful Slightly helpful Not at all helpful

Was your experience with customer service at our company better than you expected it to be, worse than you expected it to be, or about what you expected it to be?

 A great deal better Quite a bit better Somewhat better Neither better or worse Somewhat worse Quite a bit worse A great deal worse Don't know

Overall, are you satisfied with the customer service you received, dissatisfied with our customer service, or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied?

 Extremely satisfied Quite satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied

On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your entire experience?

 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

If your response is zero to 7, what could we have done better to improve your experience?

How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

 10 - Extremely likely 9 8 7 6 5 - Neutral 4 3 2 1 0 - Not at all likely

If your response was between 6 to 10, what are the things stood out the most that made us recommendable?

If your response was between 0 to 5, what could we greatly improve on?

Human Verification:
