Please enter your First Name:

Please enter your Last Name:

Please enter your E-mail address:

1. Are you satisfied with the quality of the service?

 Quite satisfied Fairly satisfied Dissatisfied

If your response was anything other than quite satisfied, what could we have done to make you quite satisfied?

2. Were you satisfied with the installation carried out by the technicians at your premises?

 Quite satisfied Fairly satisfied Dissatisfied

If your response was anything other than quite satisfied, what could we have done to make you quite satisfied?

3. Did you have a positive interaction with the installation team?

 Yes No

If your response was no, what could we have done for you to have a really positive experience?

4. Were you happy with the time in which the job was scheduled?

 Yes No

If your response was no, what time frame would have made you quite happy?

5. How was your interaction with the scheduling agent?

 Excellent Good Fair Unsatisfactory

If your response was anything other than excellent, what could we have done for it to be excellent?

6. How was your interaction with the sales agent?

 Excellent Good Fair Unsatisfactory

If your response was anything other than excellent, what could we have done for it to be excellent?

7. Would you be interested in hearing about our Digital Cable Add-ons:?

 Yes No

If you answered yes above, please select the Add-ons that are of interest to you:

 HBO Pack Max Pak Ex Pak Pent Pak Pleasure Pak

8. Would you be interested in hearing about our other services?

 Yes No

If you answered yes above, please select the services that are of interest to you:

 Digital Cable TV Broadband Internet Service Freeview Business Solutions

9. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your entire experience?

 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

If your response is zero to 7, what could we have done better to improve your experience?

10. How likely is it that you would recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

 10 - Extremely likely 9 8 7 6 5 - Neutral 4 3 2 1 0 - Not at all likely

If your response was between 6 to 10, what are the things stood out the most that made us recommendable?

If your response was between 0 to 5, what could we greatly improve on?

Human Verification:
